I don't know what my journalism major was for since I can't be bothered to sit down and write out my posts more thoroughly, but this is what you'll get for now.
Videos will come as well. I'd like to keep a log of my slow development behind the stove and perhaps for you to enjoy during a boring day at work. In the meantime, here is a half year old rough video project I created about the Slow Food Movement:
I apologize ahead of time if it's not as interesting as me dropping a pan on my foot.
There's so much pressure to create the perfect food blog, from dazzling photos, to thoughtful reviews, to new recipes, to a super-duper catchy blog Title. I'm blanking out here! All the good stuff is taken! I'll have to think about this one. Suggestions? But perhaps it's better this way. No pressure when I don't have an awesome title. or something.
And jumping topics again.. Right now, I crave naeng myun. I've been eating it at least once a week the past month of August and still crave it today. The crave got worse a few weeks ago when Michael Choi introduced me to probably the best naeng myun joint in New York. I won't give away it's secret location until I visit a few more times and can introduce it with the proper summary it deserves.

There's so much pressure to create the perfect food blog, from dazzling photos, to thoughtful reviews, to new recipes, to a super-duper catchy blog Title. I'm blanking out here! All the good stuff is taken! I'll have to think about this one. Suggestions? But perhaps it's better this way. No pressure when I don't have an awesome title. or something.
And jumping topics again.. Right now, I crave naeng myun. I've been eating it at least once a week the past month of August and still crave it today. The crave got worse a few weeks ago when Michael Choi introduced me to probably the best naeng myun joint in New York. I won't give away it's secret location until I visit a few more times and can introduce it with the proper summary it deserves.

It's been less than 24 hours since I've created this blog and I've already posted a few times and keep coming back to post more. Like I said, I dream food and all that it entails. Perhaps this blog was a good idea after all.
On another random note, ex Top Chef contestant Leah Cohen, lives in my building. I guess being an executive chef and making a dramatic appearance on Top Chef doesn't guarantee an upgrade in lifestyle if we're living in the same shoddy building, eh.
It's 5:40am. I think I'm going to try to sleep now. Off to Electric Zoo tomorrow. And after? I'll be re-creating a pan-seared salmon topped with mango glaze and chives.