
Monday, November 9, 2009

Imagine a world without the smell of bacon

A conversation between my brother and me this morning:
me:  I made pancakes.  Going to make me some scrambled eggs now
and bacon
I think I'll wake Duke up to bacon! [our other brother, sleeping near the kitchen]
Laibond:  You know what is very depressing to me
me:  what?
Laibond:  because denise doesn't cook
i will almost certainly never wake up to the smell of bacon

Sent at 9:03 AM on Monday

Luckily for Denise and all other girlfriends who cannot cook, it's hard to go wrong with basic bacon.  Though, if you truly care about your loved ones, you will always find out first if they like their bacon crispy or chewy.  You want them to remember your favorite flower?  Then remember how they like their bacon.  These details count.

Me?  I love my bacon nothing short of crunchy.