
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aging women are like smelly cheese

If men age like fine wines, then I say women age like a fine French cheese.  A little stinkier, a little moldier, sometimes a little uglier, but there forms a deep intense richness, and a certain complexity and sophistication that can't be found amongst immature little fromage-lings.

Pleasantly surprised at Otto Ristorante when a birthday cake was presented!

Two weeks ago, I spent my first birthday in Singapore.  Things didn't go exactly as planned, but it ended up being a (short-lived) grand ol' time with merry making amongst new and old friends.  I even got cake!  Two cakes!  Thanks to the great people whom I joined at Otto Ristorante and later, Vicky Yim who brought her own homemade cake to TAB!  And thanks to Shao and Regina for the thoughtful gifts (seriously, I don't remember the last time I got cake and gifts on my birthday--NY/HK friends, you're awful). I was supposed to join friends at Johnnie Walker Jet Black and later more friends at Filter Club, but neither happened in the end.  That story, I'm not going to share.  ;)

I'll have to upload photos later on.  You can catch em at Gastronommy's Facebook.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yan can, and you cannot.

Hey, he said it. Not me!

Martin Yan is adorable! He asked me for my autograph in our magazine, when I should have been getting his.
Last week, we saw Martin Yan do his famous chicken debone at Asian Food Channel Studio in Singapore.  (that's not only me laughing you can hear in the background..!  I swear)

Join Gastronommy's Facebook for more photos and videos.