
Friday, December 16, 2011

I'm Not a Tourist....

Here is the video from our event launch:
 Recognize the voice?

For a photoshoot by Danny Santos, we had to complete the sentence: "I'm not a tourist, because...".  Ultimately, our team decided to go with the following quote:

Unfortunately, with the recent announcement about increased taxi surcharges, I'm not sure how relevant my quote is anymore.

So, let me share some of the other reasons that I listed for the shoot a few months ago:

I'm Not A Tourist, because...

... I know the difference between la, lor, leh... and the difference between ACS and Raffles.
... I know there is more to Singaporean food than chilli crab and chicken rice.  Give me rojak, mee rebus and chwee kueh!  River Valley is not the only place for makan.  (and I chope seats with tissue packet, though admittedly I always get a sense of disbelief that no one steals or ignores it)
... I know that 'steady pom pee pee' has nothing to do with how well you aim at the urinal.
... watching folks put ice in their beer doesn't phase me...
but doesn't mean I like it.
... I know my local celebrities.  And I know how to pronounce the names of Singapore's politicians correctly (it's Nah-than, not Nay-than!).
... I get (and love) the jokes on The Noose.
 ... I can order teh, teh bing, teh c or teh o without batting an eyelash.  Whether or not the stall auntie understands my bad accent is another matter.
... I know the phrase 'yum seng' will probably leave me voiceless the next day.
... I would feel weird calling a taxi driver anything other than 'uncle'.
... I'm a Velvet/Zouk member.  I know what it means when folks talk about the revered 'Doctor' from the prime Mambo Jambo days.

So how's that for you?  Or still cannot make it?

See original post here at my profile.