
Friday, August 24, 2012

Dîner en Blanc makes major PR boo-boo

More details, along with my opinion to come later.  In the meantime, catch up with the gossip from these links:

France's Diner en Blanc is coming to Singapore on August 31.  The invitations to the exclusive pop-up picnic event are highly coveted.. or were, until this happened:

A food blogger was told to remove his post inviting readers to bring white-colored local food - local Singaporean food was not deemed fit for the picnic.  Subsequently, the blogger says he and his friends were uninvited to the event.  His version here: I Have Been Told to Remove My Blog Post; I have Decided I Won't

An hour ago, the organization has followed up with this announcement on their Facebook page:

 "With regards to the local food statement, we would like to clarify that Diner en Blanc worldwide welcomes local food as can be seen in many international events both passed and upcoming. Menus in Barcelona, Mexico, Kigali for instance, all include local food.
We apologize if there has been any misunderstanding at all in this matter.
To the contrary, Diner en Blanc is a celebration of food culture whereby local food should be included; what is not encouraged is "fast food" which goes against the multiple course meal concept of the event. The 3 hour duration of the event allows for guests to invest their time into preparing a 3 course meal.

As guests devote time and energy preparing for the various aspects of the event, we ask that they also devote time and energy preparing their meal as well. The statement was in no way meant to discourage participants from bringing local food. Apologies for the misunderstanding."