
Friday, November 22, 2013

Emotional Eating. Nope!

I'm not an advocate of emotional eating. Unless that emotion is happiness, you shouldn't be using food as a way to temper your mood. So instead of destroying your body with mindless eating, tickle your endorphins with physical activity. A good workout in form of sport or exercise does wonders (other options may include aggressive retail therapy—on foot, not online—or even sex).

Earlier this afternoon, my rage levels were cranked up to high levels. My trainer, Alvin at Lifestyle Fitness sensed my frustration, and like any sensible person who has to deal with an unhappy Victoria, threw me into work for a solid 30 minutes. My aggression and bad mood seemed to disappear with the sweat over this crazy thing: 

The Vibrogym looks harmless, but I can assure you that your body will thank you for the good workout and resulting tight derrière. (related: Getting in Shape as a Food Writer)

Highly Recommended for damage control after last night's chicken rice binge: Contact exclusive professional trainer and nutritionist Alvin Tan of Lifestyle Fitness at Sheraton Towers, Singapore for an appointment—mention Gastronommy.