
Friday, November 13, 2015

Beating Records: Chili Padi Challenge for

Pledging support online for the #XtheHaze campaign adds your voice to a growing movement of consumers who demand that our favourite brands start sourcing only from palm oil suppliers which do not cause the haze.

I think it says something that the haze affected me far worse than 10 chilis did. Because of the haze, I got sick with the flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia over the course of two months, in addition to triggering my asthma. The chili just gave me a slightly runny nose... potentially runny poo, but that hasn't happened yet.

See the FULL live streaming video on WillyFoo Live Studio's Page
On the video I nominated Alex Turnbull, DJ/Producer ATRAN (Alex Tran) and Fish (Matthew Stewart) of Wah!Banana.

For I took the HIAM Challenge: eating chilli padi! When challenged, I get competitive and nervously proposed that I try breaking the previous record (6 chilis in a row). I ended up eating TEN without breaking a sweat. I had no idea my body could do that, I was honestly wary about eating even one. Thanks for the spicy genes, mom. Won't lie, I'm kinda proud of tonight's completed mission.

About the Hiam Challenge: Hiam means spicy in Hokkien
The idea is to ‘fight fire with fire’ - when your eyes tear and nose run.. you’re reminded of what happens when PSI hits very high levels
This is part of the “X the Haze” campaign by WWF, People’s Movement to Stop Haze (PM.Haze) and Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA)

About the “X the Haze” campaign: What can ordinary citizens do to fight the haze?

There is currently no consumer demand for “haze-free” palm oil.
Palm oil is used in about 50% of everyday products found on supermarket shelves - e.g. lipstick, ice-cream, biscuits, toothpaste, detergent… Unsustainable, haze-causing, palm oil has become the accepted ingredient in many of these products. Restaurants, bakeries, food manufacturers, etc. do not use sustainable palm oil because there is no consumer demand.

Pledging support online for the #XtheHaze campaign adds your voice to a growing movement of consumers who demand that our favourite brands start sourcing only from palm oil suppliers which do not cause the haze.

Palm oil plantations will then automatically respond to meet this demand - this is how we can fix the haze problem once and for all! Sign the pledge!