
Monday, November 16, 2015

Spartan Race Singapore #TeamUbuntu

Spartan Race completed! Don't judge a book by its cover. There's a toughness behind these layers built from fluffy choux pastries and chewy chocolate chip cookies. It's important to specialize and do something well, but it's equally important to keep your interests open and varied.

As team captain (this is funny, because everyone on my team is fitter than me), we named our team Ubuntu, which in Xhosa roughly translates to "I am, because we are." We came out of Spartan Race bruised and battered, but all the more bonded because of it.

A video from my GoPro of the Spartan Race (SPRINT) 15 November 2015

So proud of our team!  A lot of last minute drop outs and last minute replacements (Kevin spur of the moment joined literally 20 minutes before the race started!!!), and most of us didn't have time to train over the month leading up to this race. Team members: Norman Hartono, Izzuddin Tahir, Caryn Cheah, Karen Heng, Kevin Ou, Xindi Siau, Khid Khairudin, Adam Rose, Steve Thoi, Victoria Cheng

 And before the race...
Made some brioche french toast, eggs, bacon, caramelized bananas for myself and Adam!

Thanks for sending our team FRESH coconut water before the race, COCOLOCO! Hands down my favorite coconut water ever. Unpasteurized, and so fresh from the coconut, it expires 2-3 days. The clarity and flavors are amazing.

Backtracking a little more, here's what we had the night before Spartan Race!