
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Moderator at Singapore Writers Festival

Phew! Just conducted the panel in this room!
[photo added after the event]

I'll be Moderating a panel discussion this Thursday evening at Singapore Writers Festival 2016.

You can view the event info here if you'd like to attend: 

November 10, 2016
Venue: The Arts House, Chamber
The Hipster Invasion of the Food Scene
Laksa served in mess tins, kale pandan smoothies in artisanal mason jars and spam fries on recycled wood plates with a side of deconstructed condiments. Shop designs and menus cater to the young and affluent, and gentrification has made its way to old estates and HDB heartlands. Is the hipster invasion of the Singapore food scene here to stay? Does this signal the beginning of the demise of traditional hawker culture? Has our relationship with food changed?
Moderator: Victoria Cheng
Participants: Constance Singam, Prashant Somosundram, Christopher Tan